Volunteer HIV Core Training
THN with its partners, advisors and topic experts, has developed and offers a series of HIV core training modules for volunteers in HIV programs and services organizations in Toronto. This was informed by a scan of HIV/AIDS Volunteer Training materials and developmental work towards building a coordinated and inclusive volunteer training curriculum for the HIV/AIDS sector that would address both agency and capacity building needs of people living with HIV/AIDS (PHAs) completed by Spark Public Health Group Inc. in 2010.
Training Modules:
- Communications (note: can also assist with communications during the training)
- HIV Basics and Health Promotion
- Confidentiality and Boundaries
- GIPA/MEPA – Greater Involvement and Engagement for People Living with HIV/AIDS
- Harm Reduction
- Anti-Racism & Anti- Oppression Framework (ARAO)
- Steering the Course – You and the Agency- Volunteering as a PHA or affected by HIV
If you are a program partner, you can sign in here to access further program materials.
If you are not a program partner and interested in learning more about the program and training modules, please contact Murray Jose-Boerbridge.