THN’s Mission, Vision and Guiding Values note the importance of strong coordination, collaboration, focusing on system quality improvement and accessibility. THN appreciates the opportunities to partner with these networks and organizations to support mutual goals.
AIDS Bereavement and Resiliency Program of Ontario (ABRPO)
The ABRPO collaborates with organizations to build worker, agency, and community resiliency in the face of AIDS-related multiple loss and transition. (As of 2017, our work has expanded to respond to the traumatic grief of the overdose crisis in Ontario.)
African & Caribbean Council on HIV/AIDS in Ontario (ACCHO)
The African and Caribbean Council on HIV/AIDS in Ontario (ACCHO) is a provincial organization that provides strategic leadership in response to HIV/AIDS in African, Caribbean, and Black (ACB) communities in Ontario. ACCHO came into existence as a result of the disproportionate impact of HIV/AIDS within ACB communities due to anti-Black racism and other social and economic determinants of health. We are committed to facilitating systemic change that will amplify the voices and better the lives of ACB people living with, affected by, or at risk of HIV/AIDS.ACCHO provides leadership in the response to HIV/AIDS in African, Caribbean, and Black communities.
CATIE is Canada’s source for accessible, evidence-based information about HIV and hepatitis C prevention, testing, care, treatment and support. CATIE strengthens the national response to HIV and hepatitis C by fostering collaboration and capacity among people living with HIV and/or hepatitis C and other affected populations, frontline service providers and researchers to reduce transmission and improve health and well-being.
Community Alliance for Accessible AIDS Treatment (CAAT)
The Community Alliance for Accessible AIDS Treatment (CAAT) is a coalition of affected individuals and organizations from the legal, health, settlement and HIV/AIDS sectors committed to promoting the health and wellbeing of people living with HIV who are facing access barriers related to their status using the tools of education, training, research, service coordination and advocacy.
HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario (HALCO)
The HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario (HALCO) provides free legal advice and services for people living with HIV in Ontario. There is no financial eligibility for HALCO’s free legal advice service. HALCO is also active in public legal education, law reform and community development.
HIV Resources Ontario
HIV Resources Ontario is a network of capacity building organizations whose mandate includes offering free training, assistance, and information dissemination to community-based AIDS Service Organisations across the province. Our network partners help organizations like yours implement and sustain a high-impact approach to HIV prevention and support.
Capacity building assistance is not one-size-fits-all. If you’re an interested ASO, please don’t hesitate to review our list of network partners below and reach out to any organization you feel might suit your needs. We look forward to connecting with and supporting you in any way we can.
HIV Mental Health Network
The HIV Mental Health Network provides opportunity for front-line workers to share expertise, peer support, mentoring, partnership and referral opportunities in order to better meet the needs of people living with HIV/AIDS dealing with mental health issues.
The Mental Health Network meets four times a year rotating amongst the member organizations. To be placed on the e-mail distribution list, please e-mail Scott Bowler at the Mount Sinai Clinic for HIV-Related Concerns
Ontario AIDS Network (OAN)
The Ontario AIDS Network (OAN) is a coalition AIDS Service Organizations and AIDS Service Programs who work collectively to provide a just, effective response to HIV and AIDS, improve life for people infected with and affected by HIV and AIDS, and prevent the spread of the virus.
Ontario HIV Treatment Network (OHTN)
The Ontario HIV Treatment Network is a non-profit network funded by the AIDS Bureau of the Ontario Ministry of Health. We’re a node of collaboration; our work brings together key partners from across the sector to improve the lives of all Ontarians living with and at risk of HIV.
Ontario Harm Reduction Network (OHRN
The Ontario Harm Reduction Network (OHRN) supports harm reduction efforts in Ontario by offering knowledge exchange, networking, and capacity-building opportunities to harm reduction service providers and agencies. We bring together harm reduction workers and program managers from across the province through The Outreach Network. OHRN is funded through the Ontario Ministry of Health.
Realize brings together the traditionally separate worlds of HIV, disability, and rehabilitation.
Through leadership in research, education, and cross-sector partnerships, Realize is working to address the rehabilitation needs of people living with HIV – and changing the future of HIV prevention, care, treatment, and support.