Information & Access Working Group
The Information and Access Working Group (IAWG) focuses upon the priority to develop an accessible, coordinated HIV/AIDS service information system. The Working Group began meeting in 2006 bringing together local service information activities in Toronto into a partnership with the Ontario HIV Treatment Network (OHTN). To date, three key activities have been developed to facilitate access to information on services. The Working Group is currently reviewing its mandate.
The Information and Access Working Group built upon earlier local initiatives and, working in partnership with the Ontario HIV Treatment Network (OHTN), the provincial was created. In 2009, CATIE joined the Working Group and, with additional assistance from Le Portail VIH/sida du Québec, ASO411 became available across Canada. In 2013, the Working Group supported the expansion of the site to include hepatitis C service providers, and and were launched in 2014. In September 2014, CATIE committed to taking on the responsibility of national manager of Responsibility for hosting and administration of the website was transferred from the OHTN to CATIE in order to enhance national promotional efforts.
THN Updates
An important tool for improving access and sharing of HIV-related information of THN member agencies and community partners is the weekly THN Updates. If you are interested in getting on the distribution list, email
HIV/AIDS Community Calendar
The IAWG has also advised on the HIV/AIDS Community Calendar. This was historically a monthly calendar of programs and events for people living with HIV/AIDS in Toronto and administered by the AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT). With the development of THN’s current website, the THN is now hosting an HIV/AIDS Community Calendar based on events and activities submitted for the THN Updates.